Sunday 26 May 2019

Inquiry Term 2 Week 5.

In my last presentation I said that I was going to investigate using Elkonin Boxes to support my students when they writing unknown words. I had a think about this and decided to put this in the later to do basket.
I wanted my learners to write a sentence. The challenges we faced were:
- remembering all the words in my sentence.
- what word do I needed to write next in my sentence
- having to look for the words in the my alphabet card and copying it in my book and still hanging onto all the words in sentence.

I decided to use DICTATION as a form of writing.
The children listened to an audio recording of a sentence and had to LISTEN to the words, SAY the words and WRITE the words.
We did this for about three weeks and now children are recording their ideas SAYING recording their sentence, LISTENING to it, REPEATING the words WRITING them down CHECKING to see if it matches to what they said - Rewindable learning.

I think this strategy is working for my students. Some evidence of this is the 6 year net testing. One of my students got tested and surprisingly did well in the dictation part of the test. The child was confident and attempted to record all the words in the sentence and wrote some sounds for unknown words.
I will continue with this for the rest of the term. I am thinking of changing my focus group for next term and want to focus on a group of learners who are capable of writing a few sentences and are working on adding more detail, rich vocabulary to their piece of work.

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