Sunday 18 August 2019

Inquiry Term 3, Week 5

I am quite pleased with the progress the children are making in my focus group. They doing well in both Reading and reading writing.

Reading Data:

Writing data:

What's working so far:
-Using visuals images to encourage rich conversation, children are able to share ideas easily and confidently.
-Working on blends, middle, sounds and endings every morning or whenever the opportunity arises has been very useful. We refer to them all the time and keep adding to the wall. For example I know ing now this says ang, like bang, clang, sprang.
-Having all the words for my sentence in my head, repeat it 3 times before I start writing.
-Using knowledge of known words to write unknown words, often this is linked to reading. For       example I know come so I can write some. I know the 'ar' sound now I can write g ar d en.
-Read my story to 3 before me.
- Working with the teacher to edit my work- Capital letters, full stops are used in the right places.
-My story has a beginning middle and end.

Over the next few weeks I will continue focussing on what we're working on.
I want to focus on
-Words I can write for eg. I know come so I can write some, probably start doing spelling tests again.
- Read my work to see if it makes sense and edit my work with support from the teacher.
- Use BAR key when writing