Sunday 28 June 2015

One slide magic

The children in my class are now confidently using the site to access their learning. I have put together a movie showing you how they go through the site, find their follow up activity and complete their task in Explain Everything using a variety of tools.
The best part about this resource is that it can be used in other aspects of learning but children must have a solid foundation in using the tools in Explain Everything to be successful.

Monday 15 June 2015

Not too young to learn......

At our last toolkits session at Stonefields, teachers from other clusters shared their experiences and success stories about children using digital devices in the classroom. I was really impressed  with how they were using their class sites for learning. I thought about it and decided to try it out with my Year 1's. So, for the last two weeks I have been teaching children how to use my class site to access their Explain Everything activities. I started out  by doing it group by group  during  my reading lessons. It took me a few days to learn how to link the Explain Everything activities and make it accessible to learners. Mrs. Belt was very supportive in helping me with my site and answered all my questions. Her video clips were very useful and I still refer to them when needed. Some of my more capable children are now using the site independently and they are now supporting the others.

The amazing thing about using the class site is that now some children have started using the site from home to extend their learning. My next focus is to encourage other parents to use the site to continue to help their children in their digital learning journey.

Reading activities.

Maths activities to practise number knowledge.

Follow up tasks assigned to groups when  children have
completed their Explain Everything activity.

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Literacy with Gwenneth Phillips

I have been using Gwenneth Phillips Litearacy Programme in my class over many years. I have attended all of her tutorials and am very lucky to have received this amazing knowledge from her personally. In my classroom, I continuously  used her strategies and prompts to help children become confident and independent readers.
At Point England School we have been revisiting Gwenneth's Programme as part of our inquiry focus.
Today our focus was looking at readers between the Blue and Gold levels.
Please read through the slides and I hope it will improve your teaching practise.