Monday, 26 September 2022

Inquiry Focus Term 3 2022

Inquiry Focus: Writing 
 I have 5 children in my focus group, 3 boys and 2 girls. At the beginning of this school year, students E and B were in Room 18, and later in Term 1, students E, R, and F joined us. Students K and B are bold and willing to try, whereas E, R, and F are reserved, timid, and insecure. Student F is soft-spoken and appears anxious while asking a question, and students R and E have had poor attendance the past however attendance over the past two terms has been consistent My struggles: The students in this group struggle to maintain the learning we have been doing in class and this is evident in both reading and writing. 

We write as a whole class and the majority of my students need assistance. We have gone back to writing a simple sentence which is often a dictated text supported by a visual image. 
We have to do our literacy warm daily: 
 - Say the letter name, and letter sound and we also do the sign language for these letters. 
 - Vowels including short and long vowels, blends and middle sounds 
 - Add a new blend or middle sound weekly. 
 Follow-up tasks support our learning, these include: 
- Explain Everything activities on iPad, modelling book  and slides
- Letter names, words, blends, and middle sounds, this depends on the focus. 
- Whiteboards and paper to write words for eg food, tool, park, cat, shop, cheese etc. 
- Flashcards

Modelling Book

Explain Everything Activity