Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Numbers and Shapes

Today the children used Explain Everything during our Maths lesson. They practised using the shape and colour tools to make number patterns on a dice. They had to manipulate the shapes to get the correct size and then ensure that their dots could fit into that square. It was great to see the children fully engaged in their task and supporting each other and then sharing their work on the Apple T.V.
Thanks to Miss Rapold for sharing this idea with me.

Sunday, 15 March 2015


My focus for the last week was for children to be able to take a photo, lock it down, draw four lines, lock that down and copy the story off the board. Some children were quite successful and are now adding a page and working at writing a simple sentence independently.
This is Kharizma's work.
This story was co- constructed by the children and teacher.

Kharizma went on working on her second page and wrote her own sentence with very little support.
She found the word " mangu- which means black in Maori" all by herself.

My next focus will be  to work on using Explain Everything, reading activities which will be more group orientated.