Monday 23 September 2019

Inquiry Term 3, Week 10

I am continuing to use visual images for writing. some images are related to our Inquiry focus for the term which is "There's something in the water."

We start our writing with a whole class brainstorm:

What I have noticed in their writing:
- ideas are being repeated, words like " and , and then, because" are being repeated.
- ideas do not connect and therefore the story does not make sense.

What support did I give these students:
- each child had some one to one time with me - we brainstormed their ideas, broke them into parts, for eg what happened: first, next, after that, how would like to end your story.
- I wrote the words in their brainstorm and they used this as a guide when writing.
- children use the ideas from the brainstorm to help them write their sentences. They have to stick to it cannot change. Here in the brainstorm you said "they going to play hide and seek" "does that match with what you have written. This prompt is used in reading and DMiC which I find very helpful.


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