Sunday 3 March 2019

My Inquiry focus for 2019

I have a class of delightful Year One children.This year I have more girls than boys. Many of them started school last year and I have about new entrant children that started and the beginning of the year. They have formed some good relationships with each other because they have been to the same kindergarten and child care centres. 

My inquiry will focus on the CoL Achievement Challenge:
#2. Lift the  achievement for boy's writing Years 1-10.

Inquiry Focus: My focus is on writing a sentence:
Children will be learning to confidently share an idea to write about by speaking in full sentences to other children.

I will be focussing on two groups, three children in each group I will be following Dr. Gwenneth Phillips writing programme where we learn to write a simple co -constructed sentence. I will write this sentence in a modelling book and the children will help me write the words for our sentence. I will be structuring sentences in such a way that we
-learn a high frequency word in every writing session.
-DOS - direction ,orientation and sequencing of letters when writing high frequency words.
- HRS: Hearing and recording sounds-choose a word in the sentence where children will be taught how to use letter sounds to write unfamiliar words- teach children strategies like sounding out the word slowly letter by letter and then attempting to find letter that makes that sound on their butterfly card. Start with most dominant sounds in words.
- Syllabication: breaking words into parts.

-Many children in the group have limited vocabulary language structures to express what they wish to share.
They may utter a word, use gestures point or even shrug their shoulders.
- They have confusions between letters and numbers, letters and words, words and sentences, leaving a space, -
-Difficulty repeating the idea that has been shared, difficulty in recalling the words in the sentence that has been shared, difficulty with language structures especially if English is your second language. .

What might work: Dr. Gwenneth Phillips writing programme. The teacher is a role model and we share the writing process.

To investigate:
-Using i Pads to record the co- constructed sentence and play the sentence to check and see what word comes next when we writing.
-For the capable children who are already on their way and know a few basic words we can use the iPad to record those unfamiliar words we need to sound out.
-Make learning rewindable.Children at this year level find it hard to remember the words in their sentence. I want to trial using the iPads to record their sentence and later use this method when they are trying to write independently.

I am working on the key competencies and setting up the norms when we are in a group lesson.
- managing self - focus on lesson and what is being shared.
- building confidence to share an idea (speak up so others in the group can hear your idea and add more)
- speaking in full sentences
-repeating other children's ideas.